Our Mission
Granting opportunities for success!
Our Vision
To be a unifying organization that enables the Auburn School District to expand outstanding learning opportunities and access to all students. We support programs and initiatives serving students through a range of funding activities and engagement with District stakeholders.
Core Values
We put students first, always.
We believe in the responsible stewardship of resources.
We collaborate with organizations and individuals working within the District and community.
We believe in cultivating the broadest base of stakeholders to support District and Foundation efforts.
We focus on student success beyond high school.
“The Auburn Public Schools Foundation exists to eliminate barriers to student achievement by working with the district for more equitable outcomes.”
— APSF Board of Trustees
Provided $20,000 for new musical instruments for the Auburn School District
Purchased multi-cultural books for multiple schools and classrooms
Since 2011 the APSF has given over $500,000 to support Auburn students in STEM, literacy, the arts, nutrition and basic needs
Purchased hydroponic plant systems for elementary school students
Supported SLC classrooms going to the zoo
Funded and replenished a Pantry at every school for students to have access to food, clothing, and hygiene items